
SlimRite is a gentle exercise method that combines light exercise with vacuum therapy. It focuses on tackling stubborn fat areas, especially around the hips, buttocks and thighs. The vacuum technology boosts blood flow to these regions, aiding in fat burning during exercise.

* Lymphatic drainage

* Gentle exercise

* Increase blood flow

* Cellulite reduction

* Fluid retention

* Fat loss

* Tone muscles and much more.

During a SlimRite session you may typically exercise on a stationary bike or other equipment within a vacuum chamber. The vacuum and compression technology in the chamber will apply alternating pressure to specific body parts suck as the hips, thighs or abdomen.  This process aims to increase blood flow to these areas, which can help with fat metabolism and cellulite reduction.

When you combine Compression therapy with SlimRite, you get a complete approach to body contouring and circulation improvement. The Compression suit helps detoxify and reduce fluid retention, while SlimRite targets fat burning in specific areas. This combination can be beneficial for those aiming to sculpt their body, enhance circulation and feminist cellulite appearance.
Contact us today or give call us for more info and to book a session: 0430 197 136